All-in-one Fast Charging Stations

BTC 180 kW AiO

BTC all-in-one 180 kW charging station.
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Product Highlights

  • Charges up to 520 miles of range per hour @ 180kW.

  • Approved with most nationwide incentive and rebate programs.

  • Ready to use with EV Range payment apps or private use RFID cards.

  • Standard connector with 15.4 ft cable for use with all plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles (NACS coming soon, Tesla can currently use the adapter provided with vehicles).


Power icon.

Power Input

3Φ, 4W, 480VAC. 300A 3P Breaker/Circuit

NACS Connector icon.

Connector Options

CCS - Up to 500A (180kW)

CHAdeMO - Up to 200A (100kW)

NACS Option - coming soon

Connectivity icon.


Each unit utilizes a 4G cellular modem, preconfigured with an EVR-provided SIM card ready to plug and play.

Specifications icon.

Chargetronix 60kW to 360kW

Chargetronix 60kW to 360kW all-in-one charging station.
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Product Highlights

  • High-quality assurance.

  • Ready to use with private use RFID cards.

  • Standard connector with 16ft cable for use with all plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles.


Power icon.

Power Input

3Φ, 4W, 480VAC, 60Hz input.

100A - 600A 3P Breaker/Circuit depending
on the model

NACS Connector icon.

Connector Options

CCS up to 500A

CHAdeMO up to 200A

NACS Standard up to 400A

Connectivity icon.


Each unit utilizes a 4G cellular modem, preconfigured with an EVR-provided SIM card ready to plug and play.

Specifications icon.


EVSIS 100 kW all-in-one charging station.


Product Highlights

  • Charges up to 350 miles of range per hour @ 100kW.

  • Approved with most nationwide incentive and rebate programs.

  • Ready to use with EV Range payment apps or private use RFID cards.

  • 24” color touchscreen.

Power icon.

Power Input

3Φ, 4W, 400VAC. 300A 3P Breaker/Circuit

NACS Connector icon.

Connector Options


CHAdeMO - optional

Connectivity icon.


Each unit utilizes a 4G cellular modem, preconfigured with an EVR-provided SIM card ready to plug and play.

Specifications icon.


Coming soon.

EVSIS 180kW all-in-one charging station.


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Product Highlights

  • Charges up to 520 miles of range per hour @ 180kW.

  • Approved with most nationwide incentive and rebate programs.

  • Ready to use with EV Range payment apps or private use RFID cards.

  • 12.1” color touchscreen.

Power icon.

Power Input

3Φ, 4W, 400VAC. 300A 3P Breaker/Circuit

NACS Connector icon.

Connector Options


CHAdeMO - optional

Connectivity icon.


Each unit utilizes a 4G cellular modem, preconfigured with an EVR-provided SIM card ready to plug and play.

Specifications icon.


EVSIS AiO Spec Sheet

EVSIS Wall Mount DC Fast Charger

EVSIS wall mount DC fast charger.

Product Highlights

  • Charges up to 87 miles of added range per hour.

  • Approved with most nationwide incentive and rebate programs.

  • Ready to use with EV Range payment apps or private use RFID cards.

  • Standard connector with 19.7’ cable for use with all plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles (NACS coming soon, Tesla can currently use the adapter provided with vehicles).

  • Easy to use 12.1” LCD touchscreen interface showing energy dispensed and real-time cost.

Power icon.

Power Input/Output

3Φ, 4W, 480VAC. Supply. 60A 3P Breaker/Circuit

NACS Connector icon.

Connector Options

CCS - 80A (30kW) Max output.

NACS Option - coming soon

Connectivity icon.


Each unit utilizes a 4G cellular modem, preconfigured with an EVR-provided SIM card ready to plug and play.

Specifications icon.

All-in-one Fast Charger FAQ

Four All-in-One EV chargers lined up in front of a building with a car charging in one of the stalls.

What are all-in-one fast chargers?

  • All-in-one fast chargers are high-power EV chargers that can charge most cars in about 30 minutes, ideal for busy or space-limited areas.

How long does it take for an AiO charger to charge a car?

  • AiO chargers can fully charge most electric vehicles in around 30 minutes, offering rapid charging solutions.

Where are AiO chargers best used?

  • They’re perfect for retail stores, travel corridors, hospitals, and space-constrained locations.

Do AiO chargers need upgrades to be installed?

  • Yes, they often require electrical service upgrades to handle the high-power output.

Why choose AiO fast chargers?

  • They’re designed for quick and efficient charging in high-traffic or limited-space environments.